

SKU: R022 Category:

Benefits Included

Increased energy for up to 8 hours.
Reduce the levels of stress.
Improves mental and physical strength.
Maintaining a healthy nervous system.
Improves cardiovascular functioning.
Breakdown of fats and protein.

Product Description

Ferrous Fumerate – (Iron) (Iron deficiency) – Carrier of oxygen to the tissues / from the lungs to the cells.
Maltodextrin – Increased energy for up to 8 hours.
Ginseng – Reduce the levels of stress / improves mental and physical strength.
Vitamin C – Detoxifies our bodies and promotes healing.
Vitamin B1 – Maintaining a healthy nervous system / Improves cardiovascular functioning / Breakdown of fats and protein.
Riboflavin – Antioxidant, slows the pace of ageing.
Vitamin B12 – Keeps your nerves and red blood cells healthy / Weight loss, depression, poor memory, asthma, vision problems.
Vitamin B6 – Assists the process of metabolism, tissue repair and cell production.
Dicalcium Phosphate – Bone health and strong muscles.