Treat the Prostate with the Far Infrared Dome,

Common symptoms of a swollen Prostate Gland are weakness and difficulty urinating and in serious cases, inability to urinate. It often causes a decline in sexual function too. Swelling and inflammation of the Prostate Gland may also be due to Prostate cancer, which is one of the most common killers of men over 40. The swelling is mainly caused by the blood in the Prostate Gland building up; therefore improved blood circulation will certainly help.

Those who have had surgery due to Prostate cancer may have had a removal of some of the tissues of the groin area and if the cancer has spread, the lymph glands in the groin are also usually removed. In these cases lymphedema becomes common. The area swells because fluids and proteins escape from the blood stream and enter the intracellular spaces. The area stays swollen because the lymphatic system is impaired and cannot remove the extra fluid.

The Far Infrared Dome delivers Far Infrared Rays (FIR) directly to the area, therefore improving the microcirculation and lymph drainage and reducing the swelling. The FIR can also provide hope to those with Prostate Cancer as it is a form of Regional Hyperthermia. Regional Hyperthermia involves raising the temperature of the affected area, and in some cases the whole body, to levels that are lethal to the cancerous tissue but not injurious to other cells. Since Prostate tumors thrive in cool environments, they can be destroyed by heat less than 10 degrees above the normal body temperature.

In addition to reducing the swelling and the pain, improving the circulation and providing regional hyperthermia to the Prostate Gland, the Far Infrared Dome also boosts the immune system by increasing the production of white blood cells.