The Exerciser Elite® gives Maximum Results with Minimum Effort!

Regular exercise is essential to our overall well-being. It helps increase energy levels, helps maintain a healthy heart, helps with weight control, and helps to decrease depression and fatigue. Exercise can also help with high blood pressure and diabetes. Millions of people suffer from various ailments that could be improved through regular exercise.

Regular exercise can also help the body to produce and release endorphins. Endorphins are a group of substances formed within the body that naturally relieve pain and work as a natural anti-depressant.

Passive exercise, as done using the Exerciser Elite®, is becoming more and more popular. Several studies indicate this type of exercise can be extremely beneficial especially to those who are unable to do regular aerobic type exercise. Although passive exercise does not increase the heart rate or burn as many calories as true aerobic exercise, you can still enjoy many other remarkable benefits. Passive exercise can increase circulation, oxygenate the blood, and help move the lymph fluid, which can be beneficial to the immune system.

Using the Exerciser Elite® can help promote flexibility in the ankles, knees, hips and spine, relaxation of the muscles in the back, and increase circulation in the lower extremities. Increasing the circulation, in the lower extremities, can help relieve swelling in the ankles and legs.