If you’re feeling nervous about your chances of catching the Coronavirus, you’re not alone! This rapidly spreading virus has ravaged the globe and has many of us living in “lockdown”.

Luckily, there are several lifestyle changes and supplements you can implement to support your immune system during this time.

What is Coronavirus?

The Coronavirus – named because of its crown-shape – is a new respiratory virus first identified in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. It’s highly contagious and spread via droplets, causing:

● Sore throat
● High fever
● Chest tightness
● Cough
● Body aches
● Fatigue

Worryingly, it appears to attack the lungs in vulnerable people and cause pneumonia or acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) that can be fatal.

To avoid infection, sensible practices such as frequent hand washing, disinfecting surfaces, social distancing and wearing a face mask in public are recommended. However, supporting the immune system from the inside is vital to improve your chances of fighting off the illness.

Enhance Your Immune Response with Xymogen

We are stockists of Xymogen products in South Africa. These amazing nutritional supplements are imported from the United States and made to the highest-quality standards with scientific backing.

Here are our top picks for enhancing immunity and encouraging recovery during a pandemic.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a key immune nutrient that’s water-soluble and can be taken in high doses. We suggest 2-3g daily of a good quality supplement when you’re at risk and trying to avoid infection – higher if you’re already infected.

Vitamin D3 5000IU

Vitamin D3 – the sunshine nutrient – is paramount to a strong immune system. Unfortunately, most of us are deficient in vitamin D3 because we spend so much time indoors in front of screens these days.

Ask your doctor to check your vitamin D levels, and if low, keep immunity robust by taking 2000-5000IU daily. Additionally, it’s brilliant for boosting mood.


Zinc is an essential mineral necessary for cell growth and development. It’s involved in hundreds of enzymatic reactions and has been studied extensively for its positive effect on immunity. We suggest 20mg daily of zinc glycinate during this high-risk time.

Xymogen Viragraphis

Xymogen viragraphis is one of our favourite herbal immune stimulants and supporters. It contains the herbs andrographis, liquorice root and indigowoad. It’s a potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial combination.

Research on these immune strengthening herbs has found they are especially helpful for soothing respiratory infections and inflammation – particularly colds, flu, sore throats, cough, sinusitis, bronchitis and fever.

The beauty is that it’s fast-acting and only needs to be taken short-term when under threat of an illness.

Xymogen Immune Essentials

This convenient immune supplement contains all the best nutrients and herbs to keep you healthy in the face of new threats. It contains beta-glucan, olive leaf extract and vitamin C.

Probiotic – Probiomax DF

Our gut contains trillions of “healthy” bacteria – also known as the gut microbiome – that are our first line of defence against viruses and pathogenic bacteria. During times of increased stress on the body, we need to be vigilant about nourishing these bacteria.

In addition to eating a diverse range of plant foods, exercising and sleeping enough, taking a potent probiotic supplement will support the health of the gut microbiome. Probiomax DF contains the well-researched strains bifidobacterium bifidum, lactobacillus acidophilus and saccharomyces boulardii.

Lifestyle Factors to Enhance Immunity

Keeping good hygiene and taking high-quality supplements are brilliant measures to take at this time. But several lifestyle factors encourage optimal health and wellness.

● Make sure you aren’t scrimping on sleep
● Exercise as often as you can
● Eat a whole food diet packed with plants and fibre
● Meditation and yoga is a great way to reduce the stress response and boost immunity

Contact Us

If you’re interested in enhancing your immune response with high-quality supplements, don’t hesitate to contact us. We will courier directly to your door to ensure minimal contact.

Wishing you good health!

Note: If you start presenting with flu-like symptoms, self-isolate and contact your healthcare provider for coronavirus screening.