How does the lymphatic system become stagnant?

The lymphatic system is vitally important for the proper functioning of our body and if we want to be at optimal health we need this system to be functioning efficiently. Unfortunately, due to our toxic environment, poor diet and lifestyle, nutritional deficiencies and lack of exercise this system becomes stagnant.

The lymphatic system does not have its own pump like the heart, so it requires us to move our muscles and joints in order for the lymph fluid to be pumped through your body. Our own activity is essential to keep everything moving and if we are sedentary the lymphatic system can become blocked and stagnant.

When this happens the lymph fluid can build up causing swollen lymph nodes and tissues which is known as lymphedema and is surprisingly common especially as people get older. Lymphedema presents with swelling in the arms, legs, hands and feet and can be painful. In some cases people are born with a lymphatic blockage that causes primary lymphedema, but it is more common to develop lymphedema as a secondary condition

It may also be a sign of the lymphatic system being stagnant and clogged if you experience skin conditions, arthritis, stiffness, cellulite, fatigue, digestive problems, sore and swollen lymph nodes, unexplained swelling, water retention, headaches, sinus problems and poor immunity.

To be continued in part 3…